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Blog & Magazine

Blog & Magazine


Twice a year, we proudly present the new DR.BELTER® Magazine! DR.BELTER® COSMETIC stands for quality, love for nature, and innovation in professional skincare. But DR.BELTER® COSMETIC is more than just a product line – it’s family, female empowerment, a passion for skincare results, a love for nature, a drive for innovation, a desire for well-being, and 40 years of beauty know-how. Through the DR.BELTER® Magazine, we want to offer our customers interesting insights into our world of skincare and work. We focus on the people, ideas, and motivations behind the brand. In addition, we present current topics in professional skincare: seasonal skincare tips and, of course, the latest product and ingredient trends. Enjoy discovering! :)

17 Autumn / Winter 2024
15 Autumn / Winter 2023
14 Spring / Summer 2023
13 Autumn / Winter 2022
12 Spring / Summer 2022
11 Winter 2021 / 2022
10 Spring / Summer 2021
09 Winter 2020 / 2021
08 Summer 2020
07 Winter 2019
06 Spring / Summer 2019
05 Autumn / Winter 2018
04 Spring / Summer 2018
03 Winter 2017
02 Summer 2017
01 Winter 2016 / 2017


On our blog, we not only share expert information on skincare and dermatological concepts, but also keep you updated on our latest awards, active ingredients, and skincare products. Whether you're interested in specific skin concerns like acne or rosacea, want to learn more about our award-winning natural cosmetics lines, or simply seek inspiration – you'll find everything related to beauty, wellness, and the latest trends in the cosmetics industry here.

Vitamin A – A Miracle Cure for Health and Skin

Discover the fascinating world of vitamins – essential helpers for your body!

Primary Care in Oncological Context

DR.BELTER offers successful and award-winning care and treatment concepts in the field of problem skin for: Couperose, Acne & hypersensitive skin

Wow Now: Stars Award 2023 – DR.BELTER® 3-time winner!

You are amazing! Our care concept won 1st place in all 3 product categories we participated in at this year's BEAUTY FORUM Stars Award, as well as 2nd place in the category of training and education.
DR.BELTER Blog 2023 Braunschweiger Marketing-Löwe Gewinner und Veranstalter 2

Wow Now: DR.BELTER wins Braunschweig Marketing Lion 2023

We are the grand prize winners of the 14th Braunschweiger Marketing-Löwe! We won with our campaign "be the change!" for the relaunch of the sustainable Line »N«.

Wow Now: gloria - German Cosmetic Award 2023

We warmly congratulate our brand partner and her team "Caroline Conrad Naturkosmetik" for winning 1st place at Gloria - German Cosmetic Award in the category Natural Cosmetics!

»Aha Effect – Skin Renewal with Fruit Acids«

The DR.BELTER fruit acid treatment is a natural, effective peeling for the treatment of problematic skin and prematurely aged skin.

Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women!

DR.BELTER Blog unsere Wirkstoffe Hyaluronsaeure

Hyaluronic acid

What is HYALURON? What physiological effect does hyaluronic acid have on the skin? What makes it the number one beauty product?
Dr Belter intensa G016 me time glow time Spa Box

Enjoy the [Me time Glow time - Spa Box]

Moisture boost with 6 skincare products for a 4-step beauty ritual.

The DR.BELTER® Brush 1x1:

Which makeup brush do I use for what? This way, blush, powder, and other products can be applied much more easily and efficiently.

Beauty sleep - not a myth

1/3 of our lives is spent asleep. Regular rest is indispensable for the well-being of body and soul.

Facial Cleansing Under the Microscope

In everyday skin cleansing, high-quality and balanced cleansing products ensure healthy, balanced skin.

Wow Now: Beauty Forum Stars Award - Winning Products Overview

DR.BELTER® products have convinced cosmetics enthusiasts through their effectiveness, sustainability concepts, and good care sensation.

»Active Ingredient in Spotlight«

Cannabidiol (CBD) – INCI: Cannabis sativa seed oil & cannabidiol

Gloria light - magnificent finale!

After a 2-year hiatus, on May 6, 2022, at BEAUTY Düsseldorf, it was finally announced again: "The Gloria Award goes to...."

Linie »N« [zertifizierte Naturkosmetik]

Zertifizierte Naturkosmetik- Pflegeprodukte für die Haut mit nachhaltigem Anspruch an Inhaltsstoffen, Verpackung & Recyclingfähigkeit

DR.BELTER® says Thank You! - Stars Award 2021

DR.BELTER® was named a multiple winner at the 2021 Stars Awards! We are very happy about the awards.

The skin in winter - perfect protection against dry indoor air

What does indoor heating do? How to combat dry, itchy, flaky skin in winter? ♥ Moisturizer tips ♥

Wow Now: Beauty forum Stars Award 2021

At the Stars Awards presented at the end of November 2021, DR.BELTER® was once again honored as a multiple winner! We are thrilled!

Peelings: Frischer Glow – Let’s go!

Our largest and most attractive organ, the skin, undergoes a cycle of approximately 28 days in youth.

Active ingredient in focus: Microsilver

Microsilver is ideal for caring for stressed, hypersensitive skin prone to redness and inflammation.

Mask yes – Blemishes no thanks!

Since the mask mandate, many people have been wondering why impurities, irritations & sensitive skin occur under the mask. We have answers.
Algen Detox mit DR.BELTER für mehr Energie + ProdukteBlog Bild

Algae Detox for More Energy

The ancient Greeks and Egyptians knew it long ago. Thousands of years ago, they already swore by the beneficial powers of the sea...
BEAUTY FORUM Stars Award 2020 – DR.BELTER sagt Danke! Titel Bild

DR.BELTER - Stars Award 2020 - DR.BELTER® says Thank You!

The professional beauty industry has selected its top products as part of the prestigious BEAUTY FORUM Stars Award. We thank you!

Wow Now: Beauty forum Stars Award 2020

The professional beauty industry has selected its top products as part of the prestigious BEAUTY FORUM Stars Award. DR.BELTER® says Thank You!

Wow Now: gloria - Deutscher Kosmetikpreis 2020

Wir gratulieren unserer Markenpartnerin Janine Zissner und ihrem Team von Ästhetika Beauty Concepts zum 1. Platz in der Kategorie Unternehmensgründung.

Wirkstoff im Fokus: Centella Asiatica

Die Centella Asiatica Pflanze wird seit über 3000 Jahren in der ayurvedischen und traditionellen Medizin Asiens eingesetzt.

Akne verstehen und erfolgreich behandeln

Pickel wegzaubern? Wir wissen wie es geht! Unreine Haut kann selbst dem schönsten Gesicht den Glow stehlen. Umso wichtiger ist die richtige Strategie!

Endlich Sonne!

Sonne in geringen Dosen tut Körper und Seele gut. Doch jede intensive Sonneneinstrahlung ist eine Belastung für unsere Haut.

Body in Bestform – Körperpflege im Frühling

Das preisgekrönte »samtea®« [Meersalz & Rohrzuckerpeeling] befreit die Haut von Unebenheiten und hat einen rückfettenden Pflegeeffekt.

Glanz und Gloria: „Gloria – Deutscher Kosmetikpreis“

Die besten Hautpflege-Experten im Rampenlicht! Die Beauty-Szene traf sich zur Award-Verleihung „Gloria –Deutscher Kosmetikpreis“

Neustart für Ihre Haut

Fruchtsäuren als Peelings sind ein natürliches, wirkungsvolles Mittel, um Problemhaut und vorzeitige Hautalterung erfolgreich zu behandeln.

Hello Spring! Wake-up dear skin

Angesagte Beauty Tricks für den Frühling. Unsere Haut freut sich jetzt über ein Beauty-Programm, das sie wieder strahlen lässt.

Das DR.BELTER Team sagt Danke!

BEAUTY FORUM Readers‘ Choice Award – Die Sieger stehen fest! Prämiert wurden die besten Profi- Produkte Deutschlands

Wir sind nominiert!

Readers`Choice Award – wir sind mit 3 Produkten nominiert! Stimmen Sie jetzt ab für Ihr DR.BELTER Lieblingsprodukt

Goldener Seetang als Wirkstoff

Erfahren Sie welchen Nutzen der Wirkstoff "Goldener Seetang" in unseren »BioClassica«-Produkten hat.

Das DR.BELTER Magazin

Stöbern Sie durch unser DR.BELTER Magazin und erfahren Sie Pflegetipps. Zudem warten spannende Berichte zu aktuellen Themen auf Sie.

Sagen Sie Adieu zu fahler Haut und unebenmäßigen Teint!

Sagen Sie Adieu zu fahler Haut und unebenmäßigen Teint!

Wirkstoff im Fokus

Antarktischer Schutzkomples Antarcticine - Inci: Pseudoalteromonas Fermant Extract.

Diskussionspunkt Palmöl

Wie kann DR.BELTER die Umwelt unterstützen?