Mask yes – Blemishes no thanks!
Interview with Sonia Belter-Helal, Biologist, Skin Expert,and Managing Director of DR.BELTER COSMETIC, Braunschweig
Mask is the new normal – that's how it is.
Foundation and lipstick under the mask are just annoying, impurities, irritations, and sensitive skin under the mask become a cosmetic problem for many people. Since the mask mandate, many people have been wondering why this happens. We ask Sonia Belter-Helal, biologist and skincare expert, about the issue.
Ms. Belter-Helal, "mask acne," or "maskne," is a new word and a new phenomenon. How does it come about?
- Sonia Belter-Helal: “Yes, maskne is a new, so-called portmanteau word – also known as a suitcase word.” *Mask + Acne = Maskne!
But, wordplay aside, yes, the skin under the mask is exposed to an unusual, repetitive stress – and unfortunately, this has visible consequences.
It is now clear: healthy, well-cared-for skin is relatively resistant to external irritations. But people who tend to have oily or combination skin now unfortunately often have a real problem. Generally speaking, when the trigger for acne symptoms is an unfamiliar external irritation, we refer to it as so-called acne mechanica. This can be triggered, for example, by pressure, friction, or, as in this case, heat build-up.
Due to the moisture from breathing and the trapped heat under the mask, the protective horny layer of the epidermis swells. This disrupts the skin's protective barrier. Irritants can adhere more easily and penetrate the skin. Consequently, sensitive skin may experience itching, irritation, and erythema (redness). The warm, humid environment promotes bacterial growth on the skin's surface, as well as bacterial penetration into the skin due to the friction of the mask. Yeasts can also settle more easily and cause unwanted scaling, redness, and pustules.
Both promote irritation and inflammation. In addition, the heat build-up from breathing under the mask stimulates sebum production (skin oil). This disrupts the acid mantle, which protects against bacteria, by shifting the pH value to a more alkaline environment. Pressure points can also hinder sebum drainage through the pore openings, leading to comedones (blackheads). Blackheads are pores clogged with sebum and skin flakes. If certain bacteria enter these pores, they become inflamed. This can trigger an immune response and then bring about the undesirable pimple or pustule. This is, in short, what happens under the mask.
What do you advise, how can those affected treat maskne at home?
- Sonia Belter-Helal: A daily skincare routine with active ingredient-rich special products, morning AND evening, is now essential. No matter when and where, it is worth giving your skin extra care after a mask phase. Simply tone and specifically treat the skin briefly after a mask phase. An anti-bacterial, pH-regulating tonic is suitable for counteracting bacteria and inflammation. In addition, there are intensive special preparations to be applied locally that consider all the mentioned factors. Creams, concentrates, masks, and therapeutic make-up. Cosmeticians give the best advice here and, if necessary, deliver products to your door or for pick-up. I also recommend changing pillowcases and towels particularly frequently and not touching the areas too often.
On the DR.BELTER® website under skincare line – Line "A" – there are all product suggestions in the info blog. My tip: watch the info video on the development of acne with all the do's and don'ts in skincare and nutrition.
And – if nothing helps, don't worry, the world won't end because of a pimple!
The following DR.BELTER® products are proven to help with conscientious use and are suitable for the mosaic technique or local application:
award-winning – for professional results
- Linie »A« Cleansing Gel – During cleansing, the production of sebaceous glands and the increased formation of bacteria are inhibited. Mildly cleansing, soothing, and gently disinfecting.
- Linie »A« Lotion –The pH value, often shifted to the alkaline range (pH 8-9) in problematic skin, is regulated back to the normal pH value of healthy skin (pH 5.5).
- Linie »A« Cream – The care cream, free from saponifiable fats, has a slight astringent effect, soothes restless, red skin areas, papules, and pustules, regulates sebaceous gland production, and possesses mattifying properties.
- Linie »A« Clarity Concentrate – A special 2-phase concentrate for the partial treatment of papules, pustules, and impurities. The CDT complex releases tea tree oil on the skin, absorbs excess sebum, leading to targeted drying, and soothes inflammatory processes.
- Linie »A« Clarity Duo – For on the go, 2-in-1 (Concentrate and Concealer) offers the possibility to treat localized impurities without hassle.
- Linie »A« Make-up – A creamy, particularly well-covering special make-up. Disinfecting and regulating for problematic skin conditions.
- Linie »A« Mask – Intensive mineral mask that significantly reduces the production of excess oil and the proliferation of acne bacteria. Can also be applied locally on individual acne pustules.
- »BioClassica« Balancing Gel Cleanser – Crystal clear, soap-free, and thorough, the refreshing cleansing gel frees the skin from make-up and dirt particles without drying it out. Precious natural ingredients vitalize during cleansing, leaving the skin clear, clean, and noticeably refreshed.
- »BioClassica« Pure Balance Fluid – Skin prone to impurities receives freshness, moisture, and balance with this mattifying, dermoactive fluid. It combines clarifying ingredients with protective and anti-aging factors for an even, refined complexion.
- »intensa-med®« Ultra Sensitive Silver Spray Emulsion – Eine sprühbare, anti-bakterielle Microemulsion zur Beruhigung gestresster Hautareale. Ihr Einsatz ist eine Wohltat bei Hautirritationen wie Rötungen, Sonnenbrand, Rasurbrand, bei ekzematischer Haut, Neurodermitis oder Juckreiz. Natürliche Wirkstoffe wie Microsilber, Bio-Aloe Vera, Hyaluronsäure, Bisabolol, Urea, Eichenrinden Extrakt, Panthenol und Chiaprotect Komplex tragen zur Entspannung und zum Schutz der Haut bei.
- »intensa-med®« Derm-A-ReNew AHA Fluid 10% pH3,5 – Ist eine leichte, biomimetische Pflegeemulsion mit einer Spezialkomposition an natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Sie fördert bei regelmäßiger abendlicher Anwendung die Hauterneuerung und kann so verstopften Poren entgegenwirken und das Porenbild der Haut generell verfeinern.
- »sensi-bel« Delicate Cleanser – Der erste Schritt zur Hautberuhigung der zarten, in ihrer Widerstandskraft geschwächten Haut. Das seifenfreie Gel reinigt mild, aber gründlich. Durch den Einsatz von Panthenol, Extrakten aus der Süßholzwurzel, Eichenrinde, Grünem Tee und Sonnenhut entwickelt es schon während der Reinigung eine Hautschutzwirkung.
- »sensi-bel« Delicate Tonic – Die sanfteste Version einer Gesichtslotion. Die natürliche Produktformel mit Allantoin, natürlichen Feuchtigkeitsfaktoren, Extrakten aus Sonnenhut, Aloe Vera, Hamamelis und Eichenrinde wirkt erfrischend, stabilisierend, beruhigend und schützend. Durch die Regulierung des pH-Wertes der Haut baut es Irritationen ab und macht die Hautoberfläche unempfindlicher gegen das Eindringen irritierender Stoffe.
- »sensi-bel« Delicate Day Care – Ein sanftes Feuchtigkeitsfluid zur Pflege der sehr empfindlichen und barrieregestörten Haut. Es ist gänzlich frei von Duftund Farbstoffen und eignet sich als Tagespflege sowie als leichtes 24-Stunden Präparat. Hochreine, überwiegend hautidentische Inhaltsstoffe führen zu einer Hautberuhigung und Glättung.
- Tipp: »sensi-bel« – Couperosis Compact Crème als lokale Beruhigungspackung verwenden.