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International Distributors

Als Familie und Produzenten setzen wir uns seit 40 Jahren dafür ein, hochwertige Produkte herzustellen, die das Gütesiegel "Made in Germany" in jeder Hinsicht bestätigen.

Kosmetikerinnen und Dermatologen in 36 Ländern weltweit vertrauen der DR.BELTER® COSMETIC, wenn es darum geht, Hautbilder sichtbar zu verbessern. Hierbei geht es nicht nur um die effektive Reduzierung der Anzeichen der Hautalterung, sondern um ernste Hautprobleme wie Akne, überempfindliche, ekzematische Haut, Allergien, Vernarbung und Sonnenschäden.

Sie finden in den folgenden Ländern Vertriebspartner, die selbständig den Import, die Distribution und Kundenbetreuung übernehmen.

A-TREND CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company) 



Contact: Gayane Vardanyan 

 Phone: +374 91 460077 


DR.BELTER® Cosmetic ist in Österreich erhältlich bei: dm Kosmetikstudio sowie in ausgesuchten Partner Instituten.  

dm steht seit jeher für ein hochinnovatives, biologisch orientiertes Sortiment und ein besonders hohes Qualitätsbewusstsein. Anders als in Deutschland, gibt es in Österreich seit 1987 das dm Kosmetikstudio. An etwa 120 besonderen Filialen sind Kosmetikstudios angegliedert, die man über den Markt betreten kann. Allerdings arbeiten dort ausschließlich Kosmetikerinnen in einem separaten Dienstleistungsbereich und mit eigenen Profimarken, die es im Drogeriemarkt nicht zu kaufen gibt. Dort ist die Marke DR.BELTER® seit 2015 Kompetenzpartner für den Profikosmetik- und Ausbildungsbereich dm Akademie. Das umfasst die individuelle Gesichtsbehandlung sowie die Haut- und Produktberatung mit Verkauf im dm Kosmetikstudio. Beide Unternehmen vereinen die Werte Qualität & Naturliebe. 


Voor de verdeling van Zuid Nederland & België werken wij samen met de voor België geografisch zeer gunstige gevestigde Arrancar in Heerlen (Limburg NL).

Arrancar is een totaalleverancier voor de Wellness en is sinds 2015 onze partner voor de verkoop van DR.BELTER®  producten in België. Arrancar beschikt over zeer grote showroom zodat onze Belgische cliënten indien gewenst zelf producten af kunnen halen.

Tevens beschikt Arrancar over diverse en ruime trainingsfaciliteiten voor trainingen en opleidingen in het speciale DR.BELTER®  Academy programma.


Mr. Patrick Ruiters

Wijngaardseweg 22

6412 PJ Heerlen

Бонивито е фирма, създадена през 1994 г. в град София. Oсновна  дейност  e внoс  на професионална козметика, кола маска и аксесоари, козметична апаратура,еднократни консумативи . От 2005 година, компанията е официален представител на професионална козметика  – DR.BELTER® Cosmetic, Германия

Чрез провеждането на множество семинари и демонстрации, екипът ни се стреми максимално  да задоволи интересите на своите клиенти .Гордеем се, че наши клиенти са изявени козметолози, Спа центрове и естетични клиники. Козметиката на DR.BELTER® Cosmetic e позната на територията на цяла България и е символ на качество и престиж


Bonivito BG

1700 Sofia, str. akad.Jack Natan 4 


online store: www.kozmetikatati.com

facebook: BONIVITO

email: bonivito@abv.bg

Tel : +359 882 200 253 , +359 885 019 169

Medispa Holdings Inc was founded in 2001 and is a Professional Spa & Salon supplier. As a company we sell cutting edge equipment and skincare throughout Canada and the USA. Our equipment and skincare has won awards and mentioned by celebrities in beauty magazines. Our many spa owner clients love the many products available in the 11 care lines of DR.BELTER® Cosmetics.  We have been told the acne-prone skincare products are literally the best available on the market. The anti-aging care lines offer exclusive richness and give the skin a tremendous glow and improvement in the complexion. Medispa Holdings Inc is located on Vancouver Island, Canada.  We exhibit at the Esthetique Spa International  shows in Vancouver and Toronto. Contact us for more information about DR.BELTER® Cosmetics.

Medispa Holdings Inc.

2006 Roberts Rd.

Nanoose Bay, BC

V9P 9B3

Tel: 604-763-4752

Fax: 250-821-4192 


Guangzhou Central Ace Trading Limited has been focusing on promoting high-end import cosmetics in China since its establishment in 2002.

We own 40 direct chain stores and 1.000 franchise chain stores among 15 provinces in China. The products of DR. BELTER® have been promoted among our chain stores in 5 provinces. There are excellent sales teams and responsible after-sales teams in our company. The professional skin care skills of our teams ranks in the top 3 in China.

Guangzhou Central Ace Trading Limited 

Room 707, Dongshan Plaza, Number 69,

Xianlie Middle Road, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China.

Tel: 86-020-87327561


Společnost Dr.Belter Cosmetic ČR , výhradní dovozce pro Českou republiku Vás vítá! 

Uvedení produktů profesionální Německé kosmeticky Dr.Belter na Ćeský trh se datuje od roku 1994. Vytvořili jsme zkušený týmprofesionálů, který nabízí seriózní odbornou a individuální pomoc kosmetickým salonům a studiím po celé České republice.


Exkluzivní kosmetika DR.BELTER® čerpá z bohatství přírody. Nabízí vysoce kvalitní přípravky s obsahem téměř sto procent přírodních látek. Přináší důmyslnou profesionální koncepci v péči o pleť, neomezenou možnost kombinovat přípravky jedenácti linií v různém cenovém rozmezí. Nechybí péče o pleť mužů a celkové ošetření těla.

Lumova is a leading professional in beauty and skin care. With passion for the industry and over 55 years of experience, we educate beauty and skin care professionals of the future, and provide top quality beauty treatments and skin care products for our customers. We co-operate with international partners like Dr. Belter Cosmetic to offer the best products and knowledge for our students and customers.


Tampereen valtatie 15

33100 Tampere

Tel: (+358) 3 3138 2200



Nous évoluons au sein du monde de l’esthétique depuis 23 ans et nous nous sommes concentrés depuis sur les personnes et l’environnement. La transparence est au cœur de nos valeurs, il est important que les produits que nous commercialisons respectent nos ambitions et interagissent avec elles – Nous proposons un service sur-mesure avec le Dermo-Analyse-Système pour des réponses personnalisées et travaillons constamment pour maintenir la qualité la plus élevée possible.

Nos produits s’adressent uniquement aux professionnelles de la beauté / Dermo-Analyste® avec une vente exclusive en salon ou Centre d’Expertise Cutanée®. Nous vous proposons des solutions efficaces avec des résultats pour lutter contre le vieillissement et les problématiques de peau avec un engagement éthique & écocitoyen qui défend l’amour du naturel.


Nathalie COLOMO 

Responsable réseau France 


hez DERMOCOS by enc 

Distributeur Exclusif France 



Nathalie Colomo

Responsable Réseau France 



rue Victor Duruy 66000 Perpignan 

Mobile : 06 22 02 08 25 

Fax : 04 68 85 30 63 

www.drbelter.fr Facebook & Instagram / @drbelterfrance

H εταιρία μας ιδρύθηκε το 1989 και δραστηριοποιείται στο χώρο της ομορφιάς,

εφοδιάζοντας τους επαγγελματίες αισθητικούς ( Ινστιτούτα Αισθητικής) με υψηλής

ποιότητας καλλυντικά.

Προσφέρουμε στους πελάτες μας καινοτόμα, αποτελεσματικά και πιστοποιημένα καλλυντικά,

τα οποία περιέχουν κορυφαίας και ασφαλούς ποιότητας συστατικά, ικανά να αντιμετωπίσουν

πάσης φύσεως προβλήματα του δέρματος.

Venus Kosmetik

Ταβουλάρη 11 -111 41 Αθήνα

Τηλ. 210 3413933 - 6932 388 166

Email: leli_venus@yahoo.gr

Ιστοσελίδα μας υπό κατασκευή

A trend LLC

Tbilisi, Vake District, Nutsubidze Plateau, IV m / d, Building No. 10 b, Appartment No. 42, Georgia

Contact: Ketevan Giorgobiani

Phone: +995 599 22 65 79


本公司來自香港, 是一間代理高質專業護膚品牌的代理供應商,至今已經營超過20年。

從2016年夏季開始引入代理品牌(德國-貝德醫生)DR BELTER也開始展開了一連串的推廣活動和宣傳。


盈駿國際(香港) 有限公司



香港銅鑼灣渣甸街21-23號, 兆基商業中心11樓




2367 2702

Brigitta Medical Beauty

Hungary, 1112 Budapest Sasadi út 113

Tel: +36203146541

Web: www.brigittamedicalbeauty.hu/dr-belter

Email: info@brigittamedicalbeauty.hu


Mr. Marzio Marziali 

Piazza Grandi 24 

20129 Milano

Tel: 0039 02 95743305

Email: info@mamcosmetics.com

Peau Saine

No. 202 ,39

Teheran-ro 77-gil


Seoul, 06156 

Republic of Korea

Email: dr_belter@naver.com

Tel: 82-2-554-6150



Located in Beirut, Lebanon, M-hat is key distributor of DR.BELTER® Cosmetic products.

Deeply dedicated in providing first class service, training and support to estheticians.

Our team is well trained and always ready to provide you with any kind of support required.

You may find our Facebook and Instagram pages as @DrBelterLebanon. Also you may contact us by email: drbelterlebanon@gmail.com or phone: 009613276487.


شركة م.هات هي الموزع الرئيسي لمنتجات دكتور بلتر التجميلية DR.BELTER® ، وهي تقع في قلب مدينة بيروت -لبنان.

ملتزمون دائما بتقديم أفضل الخدمات والدعم والتدريب اللازم على منتجاتنا لخبراء التجميل.

ان فريقنا متمرس وعلى جهوزية دائمة لتزويد زبائننا الكرام بكل الدعم المطلوب.

تجدون صفحتنا على موقع فيسبوك وانستغرام @drbelterlebanon . كما يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر البريد الالكتروني drbelterlebanon@gmail.com أو على الرقم التالي 009613276487

UAB „Sveikatos ir grožio klinika“ 

Mrs. Jurgita Ragauskienė 

Telšių g. 13, Plungė 90162 


Tel: 00370 (448)55098

Email: vadove@samana.lt


Mr Ken Lim 

No.3, Jalan Goh Hock Huat 

41400 Klang, Selangor Darul E.

Tel: 00603 3343 0188

Email: ken.lim@jnl-united.com.my


AG France Company

Mr  Raja Augustin 

7 Place de la Sour 

92140 Clamart

Tel: +33610852603

Email: l.melenets@agroup.fr

Privilege Beauty & Footcare is een totaal leverancier voor schoonheidsspecialistes, nagelstylistes en pedicures en is sinds 2001 gevestigd in Den Haag / Rijswijk. Met onze jarenlange ervaring en gedegen kennis van de markt hebben wij een zeer uitgebreid en compleet assortiment kwaliteitsproducten samengesteld. Ons hoofdmerk is DR.BELTER® COSMETIC en wij leveren dit mooie merk als sinds 1994 in Nederland & België. Wij beschikken over diverse praktijklokalen en gediplomeerde schoonheidsspecialistes zodat u bij ons ook terecht kunt voor de producttrainingen van ons speciale DR.BELTER® Academy programma.

U bent altijd van harte welkom en wij willen u graag vrijblijvend informeren over ons assortiment en advies geven over het opstarten van uw salon.

Privilege Beauty & Footcare

Dr.Belter Benelux

Mr. Hans Lepelaar 

Verrijn Stuartlaan 33 

2288 EK Rijswijk

Tel: 0031 70 3993865 

Email: mail@privilegebeauty.nl








Mr Maciej Trochimowicz Ul. Panewnicka 40 

40-730 Katowice

Tel: 0048 322 527527 

Email: maciej.trochimowicz@belter.pl




Firma fost infiintata in 1 August 2016.

In locatia sediului se gasesc ,birouri,Show Room de prezentare a produselor Dr.Belter,precum si un salon de cosmetica.

Echipa noastra este formata din profesionisti ,cu multi ani de experienta,in domeniul frumusetii:

Trainer cosmetic,Cosmetician si Make -Up artisti.Colaboram numai cu saloanele de frumusete si centrele Spa din toata tara.Fiind un brand nou pe piata din Romania,organizam seminarii gratuite in toate orasele,unde initiem specialistii din domeniul frumusetii,in lumea speciala a cosmeticii,cu demonstratii practice si teoretice.

Oferim marketing suport gratuit si suntem mereu aproape de clientii nostri cu sfaturi si oferte speciale.

In momentul de fata,avem cca.400 de clienti si dorim sa avem si mai multi pe viitor,sa formam o mare echipa Dr.Belter Romania. 

Firma Beauty by G.K.

Str.George Cosbuc Nr.1

Baia Mare,



tel: +40747406832


Unimed Medical Services Co.

Mr Zohdi Ali 

Al Mouwasat Hospital Compound 71 Area


Tel: 0096 63 822 3122 

Email: zohdi1964@yahoo.com

Allure Skincare Pte Ltd is an established distributor of quality skincare products to beauty salons and spas in Singapore since 1998. We strive to be the most reliable and trustworthy partner to the salons under our arm.  We care about our relationships with our stakeholders: our clients, suppliers and staff team. As such, our core values can be succinctly summarized into H.E.A.R.T:

Honesty and integrity

Efficacy of products and treatments

Aids in marketing


Training and skill

If you are looking for Dr.Belter Cosmetic products in Singapore, please feel free to contact us!

Contact Details

Email: info@allureskincare.com.sg

Website: https://www.allureskincare.com.sg/

Contact: +65 68830313

Address: 1 Coleman Street, #02-25, The Adelphi, Singapore 179803

Social Media accounts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drbeltersg/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drbeltergirl

Terabels.r.o. – výhradný dovozca kozmetiky Dr. Belter na Slovensku!

Profesionálnu kozmetiku Dr. Belter sme na slovenský trh uviedli v roku 2014. Poskytujeme komplexnú starostlivosť o kozmetické salóny – kozmetické produkty, doplnky, odborné školenia a samozrejmosťou je aj osobný prístup ku každému klientovi.

Kozmetika Dr. Belter je ideálnym partnerom pre Váš salón. Ponúka 11 navzájom kombinovateľných línií, čím poskytuje ošetrenie na mieru pre každú klientku. GreenTec koncept spája prírodné zložky a moderné high-tec patentové účinné látky, čo zabezpečuje vysokú efektívnosť a znášanlivosť.

Sídlo firmy: Podjavorinskej 7, 81103 Bratislava.




Tel: +421 911 621 828

 Email: info@belter.sk

Hudologi AB

Svensk generalagent för Dr.Belter sedan 2006.

Vi har funnits i branschen i över 30 - tidigare under namnet Hudateljén - och är ett personligt företag med fokus på dig som kund och högkvalitativa produkter.

Vi säljer inte våra produkter på nätet och vi värnar om den nära kontakter.

Besök gärna vår hemsida för mer information.

Hudologi AB

Radiovägen 22, 135 48 Tyresö

Phone: +46 8 776 00 33


Instagram: @dr.belter-sverige


DOBI - der richtige Beauty-Partner an Ihrer Seite

Wir möchten Sie als unser Kunde inspirieren und Sie in Ihrem Beruf als Beauty-Profi noch erfolgreicher machen. Das ist unser Ziel, für welches sich das DOBI-Team täglich für Sie einsetzt.

In den 4 Beauty-Bereichen Hair, Nail, Cosmetics und Feet, bieten wir mit unserer Academy, Einrichtungen, Services und über 12 000 Artikeln von 100 Weltmarken das umfassendste Sortiment an Beauty-Produkten schweizweit. Wir bieten Ihnen alles, was Sie als Beauty-Profi benötigen.


E-Mail: info@dobi.ch 

Tel: +41 (0)62 855 22 22

Facebook: www.facebook.com/DobiSchweiz

Instragram: www.instagram.com/dobi.ch/




1F., No.43, Lane. 164, Song Chiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10459, Taiwan (R.O.C.)





About us:


代理 DR.BELTER® 保養品,以其出色效能,內容豐富的專業護理系列,深受美容師喜愛。已在美容市場上建立專業品牌形像並為多家知名連鎖店採用。

完整開店資訊 : 包括美容儀器,設備採購。多樣化,效能卓著保養品的選擇,結合優惠簽約方案與行銷策略,讓您沙龍經營比別人更進一步掌握商機。

美容新知講座 : 舉辦不定期講座,提供即時美容資訊,涵概流行商品新知理論,讓您在專業領域即時掌握新知,與時尚同步流行 ,展現完美與亮麗。

Al Jawhara Al Saudia Established in 2000 by Khalida Al Ogaidi. The company provides top-quality professional skincare products to Beauty Centers, Salons, Pharmacies, and Retail Shops in the United Arab Emirates and Iraq.

M6, Kaloti Tower, Buhaira Corniche, Sharjah, UAE

Landline number: +971 6 558 4414 

Mobile : +971 50 362 9121 

Email: info@dr-belter.ae


AG France Company

Mr Raja Augustin 

7 Place de la Sour 

92140 Clamart

Tel: +33610852603 

Email: l.melenets@agroup.fr


Dermatech (UK) Ltd. 

Mr. Anthony Cook 

47 Peel Crescent 


Hertford, Herts, SG14 3EE

Email: aj-cook@hotmail.co.uk 


Company Biography for Terry Binns Skincare Inc

Terry Binns Skincare Inc is located in Kansas City Missouri near the center of the United States. Our company has two divisions, one which owns a day spa and another catering to the general needs of salons and medi-spas. Terry’s interest in skincare was by chance starting when he observed and acted as a stand-in for a film while he was attending college in dramatic arts. At first, he was fascinated by the use of makeup products and was hired by the company working with film production. This later led to interest in skin care and providing a good ‘canvas’ for makeup. Terry opened his spa in 1984 and began a second company division of salon products in 1986, first focusing on depilatory products.

Our brands include both European and American produced products including brand names: Dr. Belter, Earthlite, Cirepil, Satin Smooth, Clean N’Easy, USA Salon and Spa, Soft Touch, Sacred Earth, Equipro, and Betty Dain.  You will find us on facebook and Instagram as Terry Binns Distribution and our professional website is terrybinnscatalog.com.

2051 Holmes St.

Kansas City

 Mo. 64108 USA 


Tel: 816-221-9977

We are open to licensed salon professionals Monday thru Friday 9-5. The business manager is Doug Sheward, who has worked with Terry Binns Skincare Inc since it’s inception in 1984.

Established in 2008, Van Minh Trading Co., Ltd is a precursor of a professional distribution company in many fields such as IT products and equipments, telecommunications and medical equipments. Since 2012, the company has expanded on beauty and spa products and services to women and has become one of the leading beauty brands in Vietnam.

Always considered the mission to create the perfect beauty for Vietnamese women, Van Minh Group has been providing high quality products and beauty care for customers, as well as positive contribution in the journey "Lifting the beauty of Viet".

Starting with only 4 employees, now we have reached 200 employees and there are Spa systems, beauty salons, cosmetics showrooms and distribution agents in the whole country.



Address: No.10,  281 lane,  Phuong Mai street, Kim Lien Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam

License number: 0103073218 issued on 13/03/2017 at Department of Planning and Investment of Hanoi, Vietnam

Operator: 1900 636169

Email: vanminh@gmail.com

Website: https://vanminhgroup.vn/